Childcare in
Kids Planet Nursery in Rugeley is a popular setting close to the busy town centre with excellent transport links.
We provide outstanding facilities, and our rooms are spacious, light and benefit from air conditioning. There are lots of extra curricular activities on offer, and the nursery has a long standing team of staff who are so well established they notch up over 100 years’ experience!
Your benefits with Kids Planet:
We’re pleased to offer funded childcare spots and a host of additional perks. Our nursery fees go beyond and cover essential needs like wholesome meals, nappies, baby formula, and soothing baby wipes.
I have been the Nursery Manager since 2011, and have had the pleasure of watching both my daughters grow up here too, alongside my longstanding team of staff who are one big family. I am deeply passionate about SEND and making sure that all of our children get the support they deserve. I have a BA (Hons) in Early Childhood Studies and am the nursery’s Designated Safeguarding Lead.
At Kids Planet, we have put together our very own Forest School inspired outdoor learning approach called ‘Udeskole’ that many of our nurseries are training towards and Kids Planet Rugeley has already completed!
Udeskole is a Scandinavian concept that translates to “outdoor school” and is an educational approach to outdoor learning. Udeskole focuses on nature-based learning experiences and encourages children to spend more time outdoors studying local wildlife and plants, directly engaging with nature and their environment and helping them to develop their sense of self.

Amy Carroll