How many men do you know work in childcare?
Men are extremely poorly represented in the Early Years education workforce, making up just 3% of the total nationally, and the same proportion within Kids Planet. This lack of men is both a symptom and cause of gender inequality: looking after educating young children should be a job for everyone, not just women – and we should be modelling this clearly to the children and families in our care.
We’re delighted to announce we have been successful in our men in childcare bid – a GMCA project which is a collaboration between Kids Planet – the third-largest nursery provider in the UK- and the Fatherhood Institute, a highly respected charity that runs the MITEY (Men In The Early Years) network/campaign.
This successful bid means that we will prepare for, recruit, and support a cohort of 12 men through our in-house Early Years (Level 2) apprenticeship across six of our 52 settings.
We’ll be sharing details about this initiative as we go but in the meantime, if you’d like to know about the initiative, email us at
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