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Funded Childcare at Kids Planet

What funded childcare am I currently entitled to?

15 hours free childcare

All parents of 3- and 4-year-olds are entitled to 15 hours funded childcare. At Kids Planet, we also offer 15 hours funded childcare to some 2-year-olds if parents are receiving certain benefits, a child has Special Education Need (SEND) or has Disability Living Allowance if a child is being looked after by a local authority or has a kinship or guardianship order.


30 hours funded childcare

For working parents with 3- and 4-year-olds, you may be able to get 30 hours funded childcare depending on eligibility. Eligibility criteria includes work requirements, salary, age of children, and location. For more information, see below or visit the Childcare Choices website.


Tax Free Childcare 

Tax free childcare is a government scheme to help working parents with the cost of their childcare. Aimed at families with children aged 0-11 or up to 17 if their child has a disability, the scheme can save families up to £2,000 per child per year or £4,000 for a child with a disability.

All Inclusive

All Kids Planet settings provide an all-inclusive offering which means all nappies, baby formula and baby wipes are included in our fees. Read more here.

Meals included

All Kids Planet settings provide three nutritious meals a day with every setting having an on-site, qualified chef with an in-depth understanding of nutrition, food hygiene, and menu planning. Find out more about our nutritious meals


How does funded childcare work at Kids Planet?

At Kids Planet we offer the 15- and 30-hours funded childcare places per term time week to eligible families. We understand that paying for childcare isn’t always easy which is why we welcome funded children and encourage parents to make use of the funded hours offered to them. How many funded hours you get depends on how old your child is and your family circumstances.

Across all our nursery settings, we provide a range of learning and play activities, carefully planned to keep your child active, happy, and engaged.  By helping with childcare costs, funded childcare enables your child to attend a Kids Planet nursery and:

  • experience daily routines and develop good habits helping them to feel secure and safe
  • develop social skills which enable them to form healthy relationships with other people
  • learn how to share and take turns
  • listen and communicate their ideas and become independent
  • build on important skills for social, emotional, and academic success
  • get ready for primary school.

Read more about why funded childcare is important for children and parents.

What funded childcare will I be entitled to following the Spring Budget 2023 announcement?

On 15th March 2023, the Government announced changes to help with childcare costs for working parents, via a range of new measures.

Working parents in England will be able to access 30 hours of subsidised childcare per week, for 38 weeks of the year, from when their child is 9 months old to when they start school.

This will be rolled out in stages:

  • From April 2024, all working parents of 2-year-olds can access 15 hours funded childcare per week.
  • From September 2024, all working parents of children aged 9 months up to four years old can access 15 hours funded per week.
  • From September 2025 all working parents of children aged 9 months up to four years old can access 30 hours funded childcare per week.

Read more about the funded childcare schemes 2023  to help with childcare costs for working parents. 





Who currently gets 15 hours per week funded childcare?

All children aged 3 and 4 are eligible for 15 hours funded childcare (a total of 570 hours per year, pro rata depending on when the child turns 3).

When does 15 hours per week funded childcare start?

 From the term after a child’s 3rd birthday.

If I’m not eligible for the 30-hour funded childcare, can I still get my 15 hours?

Yes. The 15-hour offer is universal so if you’re not eligible for a 30-hour funded childcare, you will still be eligible for the 15-hours funded childcare.

How can I check if I’m eligible for funded childcare?

For more information, visit Childcare Choices 

How do I apply for funded childcare?

You will be asked by HMRC for details such as your name, address, date of birth and National Insurance number, as well as the same details for your partner (if you have one). You will be asked whether you expect to meet the income requirements over the coming three months and whether you are in receipt of any relevant benefits.

Can I spread the funded childcare hours over the year?

Yes! The 15/30-hour funded childcare is paid for 38 weeks of the year.  As most working parents prefer the funding to be spread over the year, the number of funded hours each week is more like 11 or 22. This equates to 570 per year for 15-hour funding and 1140 hours per year on the 30-hour funding scheme.

I have a 2-year-old, can I apply for funded childcare?

Parents of 2-year-olds who claim certain benefits, and, cared for children are entitled to funded hours. Parents will usually receive information from their Local Authority if they are eligible as they need to provide the nursery with their reference (in some Councils) which is usually in letter form. Working parents who meet the eligibility criteria can also apply for the 15 hours funded childcare from the term after their child turns two.

What is the minimum income to apply for free funded childcare? 

You, and any partner, must each expect to earn (on average) at least £167 per week (equal to 16 hours at the National Minimum).

How can I check if I’m eligible for funded childcare?

For more information, visit Childcare Choices 

What does All Inclusive mean and does this apply to children on funded places?

All our Kids Planet and Kids Allowed settings provide an all-inclusive offering which means all nappies, baby formula, and baby wipes are included in our fees.  If you are entitled to funded  nursery hours, you also benefit from the all-inclusive offering .

Are funded hours term time only?

All 3 to 4-year-olds in England can get 570 funded hours per year. It’s usually taken as 15 hours a week for 38 weeks of the year, but you can choose to take fewer hours over more weeks.

When should I apply for funded childcare?

* You can apply outside of these recommended dates but you might not receive your code in time. You must have a valid code by the end of the month before a new term starts.

When do the new government changes to funded childcare come into place?

April 2024 – all working parents of 2-year-olds can access 15 hours funded childcare per week

September 2024 – all working parents of children aged 9 months up to 4 years old can access 15 hours funded per week

September 2025 – all working parents of children aged 9 months up to 4 years old can access 30 hours funded childcare per week.

How can I find out more information about these changes?

Our recent blog outlines the changes being made and what they mean for working parents. You can also watch our CEO, Clare Roberts discuss the issue on the BBC’s Question Time. 

How do I find funded childcare near me?

All our nurseries accept funded childcare places, subject to eligibility. Find your nearest nursery at Kids Planet



What is tax free childcare?

Tax free childcare is a government initiative which helps eligible working parents with the cost of childcare. For every £8 you pay into an online account, the government will add an extra £2, up to £2000 per child per year. Tax-free childcare can be used to help cover the cost of nurseries, breakfast and after school clubs.  For more details visit Childcare Choices  website

Can I claim tax free childcare alongside 30 hours funded childcare?

Yes, you can claim 30 hours funding alongside tax free childcare.  

Is Tax-free childcare just for toddlers?

No, Tax-free childcare can help you cover costs of childcare for children up to 11 or 17 if they are disabled. 

Is Tax -free childcare available for everyone?

Tax free childcare is open to workers, including parents who are self-employed. To be eligible, you need to earn at least minimum wage, but less than £100,000 a year.

How do I apply for Tax free childcare?

You apply for a Tax-Free Childcare account online via the Childcare Choices website.  You’ll then be able to pay money into an online account that will be topped up by the government each month and paid to your registered childcare provider.


 Where can I read more about the funded childcare I am entitled to?

Read more about how to apply the tax-free childcare or get in touch with one of our Nursery Managers to find out more about funded places or tax-free childcare at Kids Planet.

For more information about our policies and facilities, our Parent FAQs are a helpful resource to navigate you through them.


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