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How to prepare for a Parents Evening

Company News

26 July 2024

A nursery parents evening is a lovely opportunity for parents to come in and visit their nursery to chat with their child’s keyworker all about their development and general wellbeing, and what they have been up to recently!

Although the nurseries generally host one or two parent evenings per year, parents are welcome year-round to come in for a chat about any questions or concerns, and you can take home your child’s file at any time to have a peek and see what they are enjoying at nursery.

What happens at a parents evening?

Every setting will have its own routine for parent’s evenings but they tend to focus on championing the amazing things the children have achieved. Keyworkers will tend to talk through the learning and activities that have taken place and any next steps.

Parents will be asked if they have any concerns or things they would like to discuss, as it’s important these are addressed. It can also be a great opportunity to catch up with other parents at your nursery and can often feel like a fun, social evening.

Top tips for parents

  • Bring a pen and paper so you can make note of anything you want to revisit or is important to remember.
  • Think ahead about anything you have been meaning to ask or anything you think would be helpful to ask for example about meals, socialising, etc.
  • Be assured that this isn’t about competing with anyone else or tough questions about stages and meeting milestones. All children develop in their own ways and the nursery has steps in place to support this.

Questions to ask at a parents evening

Whether your little one has just begun their nursery journey or is nearing the end and will be graduating before starting their journey to big school, there are common themes and questions from parents that can be useful to help you when attending a parents evening, such as:

  1. Has my child settled in well?
  2. Does my child interact well with others?
  3. Does my child engage well with the teaching?
  4. What does my child enjoy doing the most?
  5. Is there anything I should be doing at home with my child to support their development?
  6. How do you assess when a child is ready to move up a room?
  7. Can you recommend a learning app my child might enjoy?
  8. What do you think of my child’s progression?
  9. Is there anything you are concerned about?
We hope these handy tips and information helped and can’t wait to see you at the next parents evening!