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Kids Planet CEO to climb Kilimanjaro for charity

Company News

31 January 2022

Kids Planet’s CEO Clare Roberts (pictured left) has now been given the go-ahead for the long-awaited summit of Mount Kilimanjaro, raising awareness and money for Warrington Youth Zone.

Back in December 2019, before the world changed in ways we all could have never imagined, as part of a group of women, Clare agreed to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. However, plans were delayed by COVID-19 and the group sadly ended up postponing three times.

Nick Hopkinson MBE, Former Chair of Warrington Youth Club, and High Sheriff of Cheshire; was set to lead the group on what would be his 9th expedition up Mount Kilimanjaro, having devised a challenge to climb the highest peak in Africa. He assembled a troop of climbers, Clare included, eager to take on the challenge but tragically passed away in September 2021.

The group is now more determined than ever to still succeed in conquering Mount Kilimanjaro. So with not long to go – they are honouring Nick’s memory and raising money for a cause that he was incredibly passionate about, for a centre that will change the lives of so many.

Warrington Youth Zone is an innovative, state-of-the-art, youth facility located right in the town centre, which will be open every day of the year for young people from all backgrounds, aged 7 to 19 (up to 25 with additional needs) offering them somewhere safe and inspiring to go, something positive and enriching to do, and crucially someone trusted they can talk to.

Support from donations helps ensure that the doors of the Youth Zone can open, day after day, and enable young people to develop their emotional and physical wellbeing, make new friends, and ultimately unlock their potential.

If you are in a position to donate, big or small, please see the following link to the Just Giving page:

The seven day climb will begin in March, and Clare and the team are truly grateful for your support and are excited to be finally embarking on this once-in-a-lifetime challenge!



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