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Our Dukinfield Nursery Have Raised Over £5,000 For Charity


2 August 2017

  Kids Planet Day Nurseries and Jeffrey’s Corner Nurseries held their Summer Fairs in July and raised over £5,000 for charity. The nurseries held Open Days and Summer Fairs with lots of activities including bouncy castles, tombola’s face painting, Wild West Ponies, Birds of Prey, hook a duck, BBQ’s, canvas painting, badge making, beat the goalie and more!

The total amount raised was £5,859.99.13 and the charities that the money was raised for include McMillan Cancer, St Rocco’s, Alzheimer’s Disease, Cascade Baby Bundles, Warrington Neonatal Unit, Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital, Starlight Children’s Hospital, Grace’s Place, Barnardo’s, Mahdlo, Millie’s Trust, MND, CP United, Cystic Fibrosis, Red Cross, Manchester Emergency Fund, Francis House, Anthony Nolan Trust and Claire’s House.

Everyone had a great day, take a look below:



For more information about our Dunkinfield nursery just click the link and find out everything you need to know.
