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Our Warrington Nursery Work with Warrington & Halton Hospital Charities


18 May 2016

Making Waves is an appeal by the Warrington & Halton Hospitals Children’s Ward to raise money for a new outdoor play area at Warrington Hospital. The new area will include all weather outdoor surfaces, a pirate ship, large scale games, canopy area, access for children’s beds to the garden and lots more. The outdoor play area will be for younger patients and families to enjoy whilst their stay in hospital.

WHH Charity Helen Higginson, Charity Fundraising Manager at WHH Charity, said, “We are so very fortunate to have such wonderful support from our local Kids Planet who have pledge to help raise funds that will provide this new play area, having local businesses willing to take time out to be part of this exciting journey will mean we will be able to offer children and their families a little piece of normality, a distraction that may comfort them through what can be a very stressful time, thank you Nicola for thinking of your local hospitals charity”.


Nicola Daniels, Nursery Manager, said “We are extremely excited to be fund raising for this wonderful local charity. We really hope we can make a difference to the charity in helping them reach their goal to expand their outdoor area for needs of the children in hospital. We are child orientated here at Kids Planet Warrington and we always strive to help families and children who are in need and we recognise the benefits that families will gain with this charity”.

 The nursery will be taking part in numerous fundraising activities over the next few months on behalf of the appeal including raising money at the nursery’s summer fair on 23rd July, a Teddy Bears Picnic, Silly Sock Day and lots more. To read more about the Making Waves appeal and to donate click here.

WHH Charity flyer


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